Sunday morning teachings for the past several months can be found here. |
Series – A Culture of Confusion- A Study in 1st Corinthians | |||
12-22-24 |
An Invitation
Luke 1: 26-38
Special | |
12-15-24 |
The Core Of Christianity
1 Corinthians 15: 1-11
Part 25 | |
12-08-24 |
Understanding Worship
1 Corinthians 14: 20-40
Part 24 | |
12-1-24 |
Desiring The Best
1 Corinthians 14: 1-20
Part 23 | |
11-24-24 |
Guest Speakers – No Video
1 Corinthians 3
Special | |
11-17-24 |
The Permanence Of Love
1 Corinthians 13: 8-13
Part 22 | |
11-10-24 |
The More Excellent Way
1 Corinthians 13: 1-8a
Part 21 | |
11-03-24 |
Understanding The Body Of Christ
1 Corinthians 12: 12-31
Part 20 | |
10-27-24 |
The Spiritual Gifts
1 Corinthians 12: 1-11
Part 19 | |
10-20-24 |
The Lord’s Supper
1 Corinthians 11: 17-24
Part 18 | |
10-13-24 |
Where Is Your Heart At?
Mark 10: 17-22
Special | |
10-06-24 |
The Heart Of Worship
1 Corinthians 11: 2-16
Part 17 | |
90-29-24 |
Flee Idolatry
1 Corinthians 10: 14-11: 1
Part 16 | |
09-22-24 |
Overcoming Temptation
1 Corinthians 10: 13
Part 15 | |
09-15-24 |
Standing Guard
1 Corinthians 10: 1-12
Part 14 | |
09-08-24 |
1 Corinthians 9: 24-27
Part 13 | |
09-01-24 |
A Servant’s Life
1 Corinthians 9: 1-23
Part 12 | |
08-25-24 |
Questionable Things
1 Corinthians 8
Part 11 | |
08-18-24 |
Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage
1 Corinthians 7
Part 10 | |
08-11-24 |
Dirty Laundry
1 Corinthians 6
Part 9 | |
08-04-24 |
Family Matters
1 Corinthians 5
Part 8 | |
07-28-24 |
Dare To Discipline
1 Corinthians 4: 6-21
Part 7 | |
07-21-24 |
The Subtlety of Conformity
Romans 12: 2
Special | |
07-14-24 |
A Living Hope And A Sure Salvation
Special | |
07-07-24 |
Finding Ourselves
1 Corinthians 3: 18- 4: 5
Part 6 | |
06-30-24 |
Three Pictures Of Ministry
1 Corinthians 3: 5-17
Part 5 | |
06-23-24 |
The Wisdom Of God
1 Corinthians 2: 6-3: 4
Part 4 | |
06-16-24 |
The Power Of The Gospel
1 Corinthians 1: 18- 2: 5
Part 3 | |
06-09-24 |
United In Christ
1 Corinthians 1: 10-17
Part 2 | |
06-02-24 |
Setting The Tone
1 Corinthians 1: 1-9
Part 1 | |
Series – Standing in the Gap | |||
05-26-24 |
Ending Well
1 Kings 21- 2 Kings 2
Part 7 | |
05-19-24 |
Dealing with Discouragement
1 Kings 19:1-18
Part 6 | |
05-12-24 |
The Power Of Prayer
1 Kings 18: 41-46, James 4: 16-18
Part 5 | |
05-05-24 |
Experiencing God
1 Kings 18
Part 4 | |
04-28-24 |
1 Kings 17: 17-24
Part 3 | |
04-21-24 |
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread
1 Kings 17: 1-16
Part 2 | |
04-14-24 |
Ezekiel 22: 30, 1 Kings 16: 29-17: 1
Part 1 | |
Series – The Road to Recovery |
04-07024 |
Yielding Yourself To God
2 Corinthians 1: 3-7
Part 8 | |
03-31-24 |
Believing The Unbelievable
Luke 24: 13-35
Special | |
03-24-24 |
Stay The Course
Proverbs 24: 16, Galatians 6: 7-9
Part 7 | |
03-17-24 |
Healthy Relationships
Hebrews 12: 14-15
Part 6 | |
03-10-24 |
The Change Process
Ephesians 4: 20-24
Part 5 | |
03-03-24 |
Taking Out The Trash
Proverbs 28:13, 1 John 1: 8-10
Part 4 | |
02-25-24 |
Taking The Leap Of Faith
Mark 8: 34-37, Romans 10:13
Part 3 | |
02-18-24 |
Matthew 11: 28-30, Luke 8: 26-29
Part 2 | |
02-11-24 |
Identifying The Problem
Genesis 3:1-13
Part 1 | |
Series – David: A Man After God’s Own Heart | |||
02-04-24 |
Passing The Baton
1 Kings 1-2
Part 12 | |
01-28-24 |
Does Truth Really Matter?
Romans 1:18
Special | |
01-21-24 |
The Road To Recovery
2 Samuel 24, 1 Chronicles 21
Part 11 | |
01-14-24 |
Victory From Defeat
2 Samuel 16-20
Part 10 | |
01-07-24 |
Family Dysfunction
2 Samuel 13-15
Part 9 | |
12-31-23 |
The Freedom Of Forgiveness
Psalm 32 & 51
Part 8 | |
12-24-23 |
More Than A Baby
Luke 2: 1-7
Special | |
12-17-23 |
Christmas Expectation vs Christmas Reality
Isaiah 9: 1-6
Special | |
12-10-23 |
2 Samuel 12
Part 7 | |
12-03-23 |
The Slippery Slope
2 Samuel 11
Part 6 | |
11-26-23 |
2 Samuel 9
Part 5 | |
11-19-23 |
Special | |
11-12-23 |
The Davidic Covenant
2 Samuel 7
Part 4 | |
11-05-23 |
A Hard Lesson
2 Samuel 6
Part 3 | |
10-29-23 |
The City Of David
2 Samuel 5
Part 2 | |
10-22-23 |
2 Samuel 1-5
Part 1 | |
Series on Samuel | |||
10-15-23 |
Silence From God
1 Samuel 28 & 31
Part 19 | |
10-08-23 |
The Slippery Slope
1 Samuel 27, 29-30
Part 18 | |
10-01-23 |
Bold Love
1 Samuel 26
Part 17 | |
09-24-23 |
1 Samuel 25
Part 16 | |
09-17-23 |
Overcoming Evil With Good
1 Samuel 24
Part 15 | |
09-10-23 |
Running For Your Life
1 Samuel 21-23
Part 14 | |
09-03-23 |
What Are Friends For?
1 Samuel 19-20
Part 13 | |
08-27-23 |
The Evil Of Envy
1 Samuel 18
Part 12 | |
08-20-23 |
David and Goliath
1 Samuel 17
Part 11 | |
08-13-23 |
A Man After God’s Heart
1 Samuel 16
Part 10 | |
08-06-23 |
1 Samuel 15
Part 9 | |
07-30-23 |
Character Counts
1 Samuel 13-14
Part 8 | |
07-23-23 |
The Frog In The Kettle
1 Samuel 9-12
Part 7 | |
07-16-23 |
The Heart of the Problem
Matthew 6: 19-24
Special | |
07-09-23 |
When Trials Come
Special | |
07-02-23 |
Celebrating Partnership
Special | |
06-25-23 |
A Bad Decision
1 Samuel 8
Part 6 | |
06-18-23 |
A Fresh Start
1 Samuel 7
Part 5 | |
06-11-23 |
The School Of Hard Knocks
1 Samuel 5:1- 7:2
Part 4 | |
06-04-23 |
God Is Not A Good Luck Charm
1 Samuel 4
Part 3 | |
05-28-23 |
A Study In 1 Samuel
1 Samuel 2-3
Part 2 | |
05-21-23 |
The Story Of Samuel
1 Samuel 1
Part 1 | |
Everyday Christianity |
05-14-23 |
Decisions, Regrets And Change
Ephesians 5: 15-17, Galatians 6: 7-8
Part 10 | |
05-07-23 |
Staying Clean In A Dirty World
Psalms 119: 9-11
Part 9 | |
04-30-23 |
The Answer For Life Stressors
Matt. 7:24-27, Phil. 4: 6-7, 2 Cor. 1: 8-10
Part 8 | |
04-23-23 |
The Ups And Downs Of Life
Philippians 4: 10-13
Part 7 | |
04-16-23 |
Finding Balance
Luke 10: 38-42
Part 6 | |
04-09-23 |
Can Easter Make A Difference?
Mark 16: 1-8
Special | |
04-02-23 |
Stewarding Our Gifts
Acts 2-5
Part 5 | |
03-26-23 |
People Of Influence
Luke 10: 25-37
Part 4 | |
03-19-23 |
Eye On The Prize
Colossians 3: 1-4
Part 3 | |
03-12-23 |
Starting The Day
Psalm 1: 1-3
Part 2 | |
03-05-23 |
Finding Yourself
Jeremiah 9: 23-24
Part 1 | |
Heaven |
02-26-23 |
Hebrews 9:27
Part 6 | |
02-19-23 |
Part 5 | |
02-12-23 |
What Will It Be Like? Part B
Revelation 21:3-5
Part 4 | |
02-05-23 | What Will It Be Like? Part A 1 Corinthians 2:9-10 |
Part 3 | |
01-29-23 |
How To Get To Heaven
1 John 5:13
Part 2 | |
01-22-23 |
Is There Life After Death?
Job 14:14
Part 1 | |
Leaving A Legacy: A Study In 2 Timothy |
01-15-23 |
Guest Speakers: John and Madelle Payne
Special | |
01-08-23 |
Come Before Winter
2 Timothy 4: 9-22
Part 11 | |
01-01-23 |
Finishing Strong
2 Timothy 4: 6-8
Part 10 | |
12-25-22 |
Good News
Luke 2: 8-11
Special | |
12-18-22 |
What’s So Special About Christmas?
1 John 4: 1-4
Special | |
12-11-22 |
The State Of The Church-And What We Can Do About It
2 Timothy 4: 1-5
Part 9 | |
12-4-22 |
Building on Rock
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Part 8 | |
11-27-22 |
Living in Difficult Times
2 Timothy 3:1-15
Part 7 | |
11-20-22 |
Living A Productive Life
2 Timothy 2: 20-26
Part 6 | |
11-13-22 |
Remembering What Matters
2 Timothy 2: 7-19
Part 5 | |
11-06-22 |
Passing The Baton
2 Timothy 2 : 1-7
Part 4 | |
10-30-22 |
Facing Reality
2 Timothy 1: 13-18
Part 3 | |
10-23-22 |
Confidence In Christ
2 Timothy 1: 8-12
Part 2 | |
10-16-22 |
2 Timothy 1: 1-7
Part 1 | |
Study in the Book of Ruth |
10-09-22 |
A Very Happy Ending
Ruth 4
Part 4 | |
10-02-22 |
Ancient Answers
Ruth 3
Part 3 | |
09-25-22 |
Things Are Looking Up!
Ruth 2
Part 2 | |
09-18-22 |
The Myth Of The Greener Grass
Ruth 1
Part 1 | |
Incarnational Christianity |
09-11-22 |
Giving: God Wants Our Heart
Matthew 6: 21
Part 7 | |
09-04-22 |
Gifts: God Working In And Through Us!
John 13: 1-16, Luke 10: 25-37, 1 Corinthians 12: 1, 4-7
Part 6 | |
08-28-22 |
Groups: Living In Community
Romans 15:14, Ephesians 4:15
Part 5 | |
08-21-22 |
Growth: The Apprentice Model
John 15: 1-5
Part 4 | |
08-14-22 |
Living in Grace and Enjoying God
Luke 12:32
Part 3 | |
08-07-22 |
What Is True Spirituality
Colossians 3:17, 1 John 2:6
Part 2 | |
07-31-22 |
What Does it Mean to be Born Again
John 3:1-47
Part 1 | |
Finding Freedom – A Study in Galatians | Schedule may change | ||
07-24-22 |
Next To You- Next To Me
Luke 10: 38-42
Special | |
07-17-22 |
Clarity In Christ
Galatians 6: 11-18
Part 15 | |
07-10-22 |
Never Give Up!
Galatians 6:6-10
Part 14 | |
07-03-22 |
Living In Community
Galatians 6:2-5
Part 13 | |
06-26-22 |
Grace In Action
Galatians 6: 1-2
Part 12 | |
06-19-22 |
The Spirit Filled Life
Galatians 5: 19-26
Part 11 | |
06-12-22 |
Special | |
06-05-22 |
Functional Freedom
Galatians 5: 13-18
Part 10 | |
05-29-22 |
Special | |
05-22-22 |
Liberty Or Legalism
Galatians 5: 1-12
Part 9 | |
05-15-22 |
Relationships matter
Galatians 4:8-31
Part 8 | |
05-08-22 |
Slavery & Sonship
Galatians 3:19- 4:7
Part 7 | |
05-01-22 |
Theology Matters
Galatians 3: 6-18
Part 6 | |
04-24-22 |
Understanding Christianity
Galatians 3:1-5
Part 5 | |
04-17-22 |
Fairness Or Forgiveness
Luke 24: 1-8
Easter Special | |
04-10-22 |
Justified By Faith
Galatians 2: 11-21
Part 4 | |
04-03-22 |
Dealing With Diversity
Galatians 2: 1-10
Part 3 | |
03-27-22 |
Becoming Your Best Self
Galatians 1:11-24
Part 2 | |
03-20-22 |
What’s the Point?
Galatians 1:1-10
Part 1 | |
No Series |
(Pastor Vince is traveling)
03-13-22 |
Guest Speaker | |
03-06-22 |
What are You Looking For?
Matthew 6:31-33
Guest Speaker | |
Progress, Not Perfection | |||
02-27-22 |
The Rest of the Story
Esther 8-10
Part 8 | |
02-20-22 |
The Ultimate Irony
Esther 7
Part 7 | |
02-13-22 |
What Goes Around Comes Around!
Esther 6
Part 6 | |
02-06-22 |
Risking It All
Esther 5
Part 5 | |
01-30-22 |
Courage Under Fire
Esther 4
Part 4 | |
01-23-22 |
A Very Real Threat
Esther 3
Part 3 | |
01-16-22 |
The Plan Advances
Esther 2
Part 2 | |
01-09-22 |
Setting The Stage
Esther 1
Part 1 | |
01-02-22 |
Shining In The Dark
John 1: 4-5, 9-12
Special | |
12-26-21 |
Moving On
Philippians 3:12-15
Special | |
12-19-21 |
Oh Come Let Us Adore Him
2 Corinthians 9:15
Special | |
12-12-21 |
James 1:13-15, 1 Corinthians 10:13
Part 9 | |
12-05-21 |
False Accusation
2 Peter 2:19-25
Part 8 | |
11-28-21 |
No Regrets
Proverbs 6
Part 7 | |
11-21-21 |
Growing Stronger In Weakness
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Part 6 | |
11-14-21 |
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
Isaiah 40: 25-31
Part 5 | |
11-07-21 |
Whom Shall I Fear
Psalm 27
Part 4 | |
10-31-21 |
Addition By Subtraction
The Book Of Job
Part 3 | |
10-24-21 |
Learning From Our Mistakes
Psalm 103
Part 2 | |
10-17-21 |
The Goal Is Growth
2 Peter 3:14-18
Part 1 | |
Micah |
10-10-21 |
Who Is God?
Micah 7
Part 8 | |
10-03-21 |
Unintended Consequence
Micah 6:9-16
Part 7 | livestream / Outline Bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
09-26-21 |
God’s Requirements
Micah 6:1-8
Part 6 | livestream / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
09-19-21 |
The Power Of Christ
Micah 5
Part 5 | livestream / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
09-12-21 |
Thy Kingdom Come
Micah 4
Part 4 | livestream / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
09-05-21 |
The Power Of One
Micah 3
Part 3 | livestream / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
08-29-21 |
God’s Word Is For Our Good!
Micah 2
Part 2 | livestream / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
08-22-21 |
The Message of Micah
Micah 1
Part 1 | livestream / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
What We Believe | |||
08-15-21 |
Eschatology: The Doctrine Of End Times
John 14: 1-3
Part 10 | livestream / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
08-08-21 |
Eschatology: The Doctrine Of End Times
John 14: 1-3
Part 9 | Unavailable |
08-01-21 |
Soteriology: The Doctrine Of Salvation
Ephesians 2: 8-10
Part 8 | livestream/ outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
07-25-21 |
Ephesians 2: 8-10
special | livestream / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
07-18-21 |
Hamartiology: The Doctrine Of Sin
Romans 3: 23
Part 7 | livestream/ outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
07-11-21 |
Angelology: The Doctrine Of Angels
Psalm 148: 1-6
Part 6 | livestream / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
07-04-21 |
Genesis 1: 26-27, 2: 7
Part 5 | livestream / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
06-27-21 |
1 Cor. 6: 19-20
Part 4 | livestream/ outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
06-20-21 |
Hebrews 1:1-4
Part 3 | livestream/ outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
06-13-21 |
John 4:24, Hebrews 11:6
Part 2 | |
06-06-21 |
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Part 1 | livestream / msgaudio / livestream / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
Time For Progress: A Study Of The Judges | |||
05-30-21 |
It Was The Worst Of Times
Judges 19-21
Part 15 | message / msgaudio / livestream / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
05-23-21 |
The Danger Of Moral Relativism
Judges 17-18
Part 14 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
05-16-21 |
Failing In The Flesh
Judges 15-16 |
Part 13 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
05-09-21 |
Trouble Brewing
Judges 14
Part 12 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
05-02-21 |
God Of Wonders
Judges 13
Part 11 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
04-25-21 |
Think Before You Speak
Judges 11: 30-40
Part 10 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
04-18-21 |
An Unlikely Leader
Judges 10:17-11:29
Part 9 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
04-11-21 |
Confession Is Good For The Soul
Judges 10
Part 8 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
04-04-21 |
Easter: Something To Think About
Matthew 12: 38-41
special | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
03-28-21 |
Sowing & Reaping
Judges 8-9
Part 7 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
03-21-21 |
Making A Point
Judges 7
Part 6 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
03-14-21 |
Judges 6
Part 5 | message / msgaudio / worship-communion / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
03-07-21 |
Girl Power
Judges 4, 5
Part 4 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
02-28-21 |
Answering God’s Call
Judges 3
Part 3 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
02-21-21 |
A Breakdown in Leadership
Judges 2: 6-23
Part 2 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
02-14-21 |
A Fatal Flaw
Judges 1, 2:1-5
Part 1 | message / msgaudio / worship-communion / outline / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
Things to Come: A Study of Revelation | |||
02-07-21 |
A Final Challenge Revelation 22 :16-21
Part 25 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
01-31-21 |
Revelation 21:1-22:5
Part 24 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
01-24-21 |
The Great White Throne of Judgment
Revelation 20:11-15
Part 23 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
01-17-21 |
The Kingdom
Revelation 20: 1-10
Part 22 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
01-10-21 |
The King Is Coming
Revelation 19
Part 21 | message / msgaudio / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
01-03-21 |
The Fall Of Babylon
Revelation 18
Part 20 | message / msgaudio / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
12-27-20 |
2 Timothy 3:14-17
special | message / msgaudio / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
12-24-20 |
Christmas Eve Service
Music, Carols, Children’s Story, Bible Message
special | Christmas Eve, from Our Home to Yours |
12-20-20 |
Christmas Service
Isaiah 9: 1-7
special | message / msgaudio / worship bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
12-13-20 |
End Time Deception
Revelation 17
Part 19 | message / msgaudio / worship /outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
12-06-20 |
The Bowl Judgments
Revelation 16
Part 18 | message / msgaudio / worship /outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
11-29-20 |
The Beginning Of The End
Revelation 15
Part 17 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
11-22-20 |
The Tide Begins To Turn
Revelation 14
Part 16 | message / msgaudio / worship /outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
11-15-20 |
The Antichrist
Revelation 13
Part 15 | message / msgaudio / worship /outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
11-08-20 |
Behind the Scenes
Revelation 12
Part 14 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
11-01-20 |
Life Goes On
Revelation 10:1-11:14
Part 13 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
10-25-20 |
Special | Not Available |
10-18-20 |
The Trumpet Judgments
Revelation 8:6-9:21, 11:15-19
Part 12 | message / msgaudio / worship / outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
10-11-20 |
God’s Work Continues
Revelation 7
Part 11 | message / worship / outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
10-04-20 |
The Seal Judgments
Revelation 6:1-8:6
Part 10 | message / worship / outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
09-27-20 |
The Future Is Now
Revelation 4-5
Part 9 | message / worship / outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
09-20-20 |
The Church of Laodicea
Revelation 3:14-22
Part 8 | message / worship / outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
09-13-20 |
The Church at Philadelphia
Revelation 3:7-13
Part 7 | message / worship-communion / outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
09-06-20 |
The Church of Sardis Revelation 3:1-6
Part 6 | message / worship / outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
08-30-20 |
The Church of Thyatira Revelation 2:18-29
Part 5 | message / worship / outline further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
08-23-20 |
Special | message / worship further study / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
08-16-20 |
The Church at Pergamum Revelation 2:12-17
Part 4 | message / worship / outline bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
08-09-20 |
Learning from Judah’s King Asa 2 Chronicles 14-16
Special | |
08-02-20 |
The Church at Smyrna
Revelation 2:8-11
Part 3 | |
07-26-20 |
The Church at Ephesus
Revelation 2:1-7
Part 2 | |
07-19-20 |
Laying the Groundwork
Revelation 1
Part 1 | |
Romans: Theology 101 | |||
07-12-20 |
Final Thoughts
Romans 16
Part 34 | |
07-05-20 |
Spiritual Exhortation
Romans 15:30-16:20
Part 33 | |
06-28-20 |
Time for a Checkup
Romans 15:14-29
Part 32 | |
06-21-20 |
Christlike Relationships
Romans 15:1-13
Part 31 | |
06-14-20 |
Living Peaceably in the Body of Christ
Romans 14:6-23
Part 30 | |
06-07-20 | Dealing with Differences Romans 14:1-5 | Part 29 | |
05-31-20 | The Fruit of Faith Romans 13:8-14 | Part 28 | |
05-24-20 | Render to Caesar Romans 13:1-7 | Part 27 | |
05-17-20 | Love Wins Romans 12:14-21 | Part 26 | |
05-10-20 | What’s Love Got To Do With It? Romans 12:9-13 | Part 25 | message (audio) / worship / message (video) outline / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
05-03-20 | Perfect Harmony Romans 12:3-8 | Part 24 | message (audio) / worship / message (video) outline / bulletin / kids’ bulletin |
04-26-20 | Living Sacrifices Romans 12:1-2 | Part 23 | audio / worship / video outline / bulletin |
04-19-20 | Joining the Journey Romans 11 | Part 22 | audio / worship / video outline / bulletin |
04-12-20 | It’s Friday, But Sunday’s Coming Matthew 27:57-28:6 | Special | audio / worship / video outline / bulletin |
04-05-10 | Some Really Good Questions Romans 10:14-21 | Part 21 | audio / worship / video outline / bulletin |
03-29-20 | Lost Romans 10:1-13 | Part 20 | audio / worship / video outline / bulletin |
03-22-20 | Facing Reality Romans 9 | Part 19 | audio / worship / video outline / bulletin |
03-15-20 | Confident in Christ Romans 8:31-39 | Part 18 | TBA |
03-08-20 | Understanding God’s Purpose Romans 8:28-30 | Part 17 | audio / video outline |
03-01-20 | Playing the Waiting Game Romans 8:17-27 | Part 16 | audio / video bulletin |
02-23-20 | The Spirit Controlled Life Romans 8:10-17 | Part 15 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
02-16-20 | Turning Defeat Into Victory Romans 8:1-9 | Part 14 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
02-09-20 | The Battle Within Romans 7:14-25 | Part 13 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
02-02-20 | Married to Jesus Romans 7:1-13 | Part 12 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
01-26-20 | Free to Be My Best Self Romans 6:15-23 | Part 11 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
01-19-20 | Sanctification: The Process Continues Romans 6:1-14 | Part 10 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
01-12-20 | Theological Details Romans 5:12-21 | Part 9 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
01-05-20 | The Fruits of Faith Romans 5:1-11 | Part 8 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
12-29-19 | Romans: Theology 101 Romans 4 | Part 7 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
12-22-19 | What’s So Special About Christmas? Luke 2:1-14 | Part 6 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
12-15-19 | A Great Conclusion Romans 3:5-31 | Part 5 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
12-08-19 | Religion vs. Relationship Romans 2:17-3:4 | Part 4 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
12-01-19 | Romans: Theology 101 Romans 2:1-16 | Part 3 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
11-24-19 | What in the World Happened? Romans 1:18-32 | Part 2 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
11-17-19 | Romans: Theology 101 Romans 1:1-17 | Part 1 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
11-10-19 | Special Speaker TBA | Special | audio / video bulletin |
The Birth of the Church | |||
11-03-19 | Imprisoned But Free Acts 28:16-31 | Part 30 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
10-27-19 | Surviving the Storms of Life Acts 27-28:11 | Part 29 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
10-20-19 | Decision Time Acts 25:13-26:32 | Part 28 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
10-13-19 | Playing the Waiting Game Acts 24-25:12 | Part 27 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
10-06-19 | Divine Protection Acts 23 | Part 26 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
09-29-19 | A Powerful Story Acts 22 | Part 25 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
09-22-19 | Adversity & the Glory of God Acts 21 | Part 24 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
09-15-19 | Principles to Live By Acts 20:7-28 | Part 23 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
09-08-19 | Spiritual Impact Acts 19 | Part 22 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
09-01-19 | Divine Care Acts 18:1-18 | Part 21 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
08-25-19 | All Things To All Men Acts 17 | Part 20 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
08-18-19 | The More Things Change… Acts 16 | Part 19 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
08-11-19 | Finding God’s Will Acts 16:1-10 | Part 18 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
08-04-19 | Breaking Up Acts 15:36-41 | Part 17 | audio / video outline / bulletin |
07-28-19 | Christian Liberty & Divisive Issues Acts 15 | Part 16 | audio / video outline not available |
07-21-19 | The Church Expands Again Acts 13 | Part 15 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
07-14-19 | Guest Speaker David Westfall | Part 14 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
07-07-19 | A Great Escape Acts 12 | Part 13 | audio / video outline not available |
06-30-19 | Expansion Acts 10-11 | Part 12 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
06-23-19 | An Unlikely Convert Acts 9 | Part 11 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
06-16-19 | An Unlikely Revival Acts 8:1-25 | Part 10 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
06-09-19 | The Plan is Working Acts 6:8-7:60 | Part 09 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
06-02-19 | Right People, Right Place, Right Reason Acts 6 | Part 08 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
05-26-19 | The Church Stumbles Acts 4:32-5:11 | Part 07 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
05-19-19 | Satan Surfaces Again Acts 3:12-4:31 | Part 06 | audio / video outline not available |
05-12-19 | We Can Experience God Acts 3 | Part 05 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
05-05-19 | Steve Spellman Various | Special | unavailable |
04-28-19 | The First Church Acts 2:41-3:17 | Part 04 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
04-21-19 | Easter Service Various | Special | audio / video outline & bulletin |
04-14-19 | An Explosive Start Acts 2:1-41 | Part 03 | audio / video outline not available |
04-07-19 | Final Instructions Acts 1:1-12 | Part 02 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
03-31-19 | Vision Sunday Romans 1:16 | Part 01 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
A Day With Jesus | |||
03-24-19 | Unbelievable Mark 16 | Part 17 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
03-17-19 | Paid in Full Mark 15 | Part 16 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
03-10-19 | The Beginning of the End Mark 14 | Part 15 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
03-03-19 | Breaking Out the Crystal Ball Mark 13 | Part 14 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
02-24-19 | Moving On! Mark 12 | Part 13 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
02-17-19 | The Beginning of the End Mark 11 | Part 12 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
02-10-19 | Scout Sunday Special | Special | audio / video outline & bulletin |
02-03-19 | The Surprises of Jesus Mark 10 | Part 11 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
01-27-19 | Understanding the Eternal Mark 9 | Part 10 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
01-20-19 | Time to Grow Mark 8 | Part 09 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
01-13-19 | Clarity in the Midst of Conflict Mark 7 | Part 08 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
01-06-19 | Limiting a Limitless God Mark 6 | Part 07 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
12-30-18 | More Good News! Mark 5 | Part 06 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
12-23-18 | The Power of Forgiveness Matthew 1:18-25 | Special | audio / video outline & bulletin |
12-16-18 | If the Story of Christmas is True… Would You Believe? | Special | audio / video |
12-09-18 | Understanding the Kingdom Mark 4 | Part 05 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
12-02-18 | Dr. Ravi I. Jayakaran/MAI John 8:1-11 | Special | audio / video outline & bulletin |
11-25-18 | Making Up Your Mind on Jesus Mark 3 | Part 04 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
11-18-18 | Jesus is God’s Answer to Sin Mark 2 | Part 03 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
11-11-18 | No One Compares Mark 1:12-45 | Part 02 | audio / video outline & bulletin |
11-04-18 | The Beginning of the Good News Mark 1:1-11 | Part 01 | audio / video outline & bulletin |